Bob Currier is a Research Specialist in the Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University and GCOOS Product Developer and Co-Data Manager. His primary area of expertise is ocean observation data management and visualization using a variety of developmental tools, including Python, Flask, Keras and TensorFlow. His current research involves automated classification of phytoplankton using deep learning.
Prior to joining Texas A&M, Currier spent nine years with Mote Marine Laboratory as a Senior Data Engineer in the Phytoplankton Ecology and Ocean Technology programs. Currier also spent 20 years with Duke University where he served as Director of Data and Telecommunications. Currier was the chief architect of a two-time national award winning 30,000 node network, served as Duke’s Technical Representative to the Internet2 consortium and was a Senior Technical Staff Member of the North Carolina Networking Initiative.
Currier jointly holds US Patent 7,797,109 relating to the IT infrastructure of the Beach Conditions Reporting System and is the author of more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and trade press including Linux Magazine,, Network World,, Ziff-Davis and Smart Computing.