
Webinars presented by GCAN and NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program (OAP).

Tropical Cyclone-Induced Coastal Acidification in Galveston Bay, Texas

Tacey Hicks is a John A. Knauss Sea Grant Fellow at NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS), where she works as an ocean policy analyst. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from Montana State University and is a Ph.D. candidate in oceanography at TAMU. Her research focuses on the impacts of climate change to the ocean and coastal water carbonate chemistry of calcifying ecosystems, with an emphasis on the influence of extreme events and environmental conditions.

Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

The recent White House Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) outlined the need for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) research and development as part of a comprehensive plan to fight climate change and coastal and ocean acidification. On June 1, 2023, GCAN and SOCAN joined together to present a town hall to share news and information about mCDR’s potential, along with research and developments throughout the Southeast, Gulf of Mexico and northern Caribbean waters.

Speakers Dr. Tyler Cyronak (Georgia Southern University), Dr. Grace Andrews (Project Vesta), and Dr. Alison Tune (Running Tide Technologies) shared their research and industry efforts to help stem the tide on acidification. (speaker bios)

Using Biogeochemical Argo Technology to Observe Gulf of Mexico Biogeochemistry in Near-Real Time

This Lunch & Learn webinar featured the use of biogeochemical-Argo autonomous profiling floats with speaker Dr. Emily Osborne, from NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). Osborne, a research scientist in the Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division, is using the floats as a tool in her arsenal to study modern biogeochemical cycling and dynamics, specifically human-caused impacts on ocean systems.

Habitat Restoration & Shoreline Protection in Galveston Bay

Haille Leija, Habitat Restoration Manager for the Galveston Bay Foundation, presents “Habitat Restoration & Shoreline Protection in Galveston Bay.”

The Ocean Acidification Information Exchange

Manager Julianna Mullen provides an overview of the Ocean Acidification Information Exchange, an online community for professionals involved with or interested in the topics of ocean and coastal acidification.

Coastal Acidification Monitoring and State-Level Actions

Melissa Rae McCutcheon, Ph.D. Candidate in Coastal and Marine System Science, Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, presents “Coastal Acidification Monitoring and State-Level Actions.”

Forging Classroom Inclusivity through Educational Research

Sophie J. McCoy, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Science and Coastal and Marine Laboratory, Florida State University, presents “Forging Classroom Inclusivity through Educational Research: Lessons Learned from the EDU-STEM Network.”

Autonomous Monitoring of Ocean Acidification Parameters in the Hypoxic Northern Gulf of Mexico

Dr. Stephan Howden, University of Southern Mississippi, presents “Autonomous Monitoring of Ocean Acidification Parameters in the Hypoxic Northern Gulf of Mexico.”

Forecasting ‘Every Beach, Every Day’ to Improve Public Health Information During Karenia Brevis Blooms

Dr. Barbara Kirkpatrick, GCOOS Executive Director, presents “Forecasting ‘Every Beach, Every Day’ to Improve Public Health Information During Karenia Brevis Blooms.”

Estuarine Acidification, A Subtropical Texas Flavor

Dr. Xinping Hu, associate professor in chemical oceanography and a Ruth A. Campbell Professor in Coastal and Marine System Science at Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi and Chair for Ecosystem Science & Modeling at Harte Research Institute presents “Estuarine Acidification, A Subtropical Texas Flavor.”

Ocean Acidification in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Dr. Xinping Hu, associate professor in chemical oceanography and a Ruth A. Campbell Professor in Coastal and Marine System Science at Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi and Chair for Ecosystem Science & Modeling at Harte Research Institute, & Dr. Leticia Barbero, assistant scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) from the University of Miami and conducts her work at the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) of NOAA present “Ocean Acidification in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico.”