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Around the Gulf

OA Week 2023 Webinars

Posted: October 31, 2023
Category: Around the Gulf , GCAN , GCAN-Webinars

The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is hosting ocean acidification week Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2023, to provide a virtual platform for the ocean acidification community to exchange their latest findings. This symposium brings together researchers across the world with sessions, plenary speakers and engaging talks about ocean acidification research and highlights OA research for sustainability initiatives around the world.

GCAN Coordinator Jennifer Vreeland-Dawson will present “U.S. Coastal Acidification Networks – what they are, how they work, and collaboration with the ocean acidification community” during a regional capacity session focused on “Building Carbonate Chemistry Measurement Capacity To Enable Effective OA Research.”

The overall session is focused the unique capacity building needs each region can tailor programs to suit their communities. This session will include an overview of regional capacity building networks and programs. It will highlight case studies from around the world to share different practices and approaches to building capacity for OA activities.

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