GCOOS continues adding new data collected by the energy industry under the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) to our portal. Currently, 42 stations are sending data to the BSEE/NTL repository managed and hosted by GCOOS. There are a total of 142 stations (buoys, platforms, mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs)) registered by 13 organizations.
Data from Beacon Offshore Energy is the newest addition with the activation of data from the Deepwater Atlas. BP’s Mad Dog Spar has also submitted an update as they replaced their ADCPs and associated sensors in June.
Other new platforms added to the repository in the first half of 2023 include:
- Amerada Hess’ Deepwater Asgard
- Chevron’s Deepwater Titan
- BP’s West Vela