Dr. Beth Stauffer

Dr. Beth Stauffer is a biological oceanographer and phytoplankton ecologist whose research focuses on understanding how physical, chemical and biological environments contribute to changing phytoplankton communities in coastal waters. Much of her current research is set in the Gulf of Mexico, where her team is studying how phytoplankton communities and the food webs they support vary across gradients of ocean acidification, ongoing estuarine change and in response to extreme weather events. She has also been involved in technology development and adoption, especially toward continuous nutrient sensing, since her time as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Dr. Stauffer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology and the SLEMCO/LEQSF Regents Endowed Professor in Science II at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Prior to joining the UL Lafayette faculty, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Dr. Stauffer earned her Bachelor of Science with a double major in Marine Science and Biology at the University of Miami and her Doctorate in Marine Environmental Biology at the University of Southern California. (Visit the Stauffer Lab website)

Project Title

  • “Building a network of nutrient sensing in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Phase I”


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