Dr. Frank E. Müller-Karger is a Professor in the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida (USA). As a biological oceanographer, Dr. Müller-Karger’s research focuses on how marine ecosystems change over time. He evaluates links between water quality, primary production and biodiversity in coastal marine environments, and how these may be connected to climate change and human activities. Muller-Karger serves as the co-lead of the U.S. and international Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), the Marine Life 2030 program endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the NOAA Climate Program Office/Sanctuaries Climate Indicator Task Force. He has published more than 340 peer-reviewed articles and is the 2021 recipient of the William T. Pecora Award (Individual); is a AAAS Fellow and served on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy.
Project Title
- “Maritime Transportation, Satellite Earth Observations, and Glider Deployments for the GCOOS-RA”