Chad Lembke

Chad Lembke is a research faculty member who has focused on mechanical and systems engineering for the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science since 1998. Within the Center for Ocean Technology (COT), he has been involved in prototype engineering, fabrication, and utilization of dozens of sensors, instruments, and platforms designed for use in the oceanographic environment, including coastal profiling floats, ROVs, AUVs, buoys, underwater mass spectrometers, and other chemical and biological sensors.

Project Title

  • “Maritime Transportation, Satellite Earth Observations, and Glider Deployments for the GCOOS-RA”


Asset Link

Supplemental Awards

  • Accelerate Improvements in Hurricane Intensity Forecasting through Underwater Glider Field Campaigns
  • Modernization and Recapitalization of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System