GCOOS Board of Directors
The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association (GCOOS-RA) is a 501(c)3 organization responsible for developing a network of business leaders, marine scientists, resource managers, governmental and non-governmental organizations and other stakeholder groups that combine their data to provide timely information about our oceans — similar to the information gathered by the National Weather Service to develop weather forecasts. The organization is led by a Board of Directors elected to represent the government, academic, industry/private and outreach and education sectors.
GCOOS typically opens board nominations in February, with voting taking place in March. New board members are installed during the GCOOS Fall Meeting. Self-nominations are welcome; you may also nominate a colleague. Only GCOOS members may vote for the board.
- Not yet a member but interested in joining? Click here for details and to join.
Board Member Duties
- Setting policy for the organization and providing direction to the Executive Director, including bylaws revisions as necessary;
- Establishing and maintaining the structure of the Regional Association, including approval of appointments to Councils, Committees, Task Teams or other groups;
- Approving budgets, the business model, proposals and endorsements requested by members for proposals they intend to submit.
About Board Service
- Terms are three years and begin at the autumn Board meeting (usually held in September/October);
- The Board typically meets twice annually in person and via phone every two months; the Board may also be called to meet when priority situations arise;
- Board Members are not paid; however expenses related to GCOOS in-person Board meetings are reimbursed;
- Self-nominations are welcome.
To Make a Nomination
- Confirm that the person/people nominated are Members of the GCOOS-RA or affiliated with a member organization. Members must produce or use data or products from the Gulf of Mexico and its estuaries or be employed by an entity that does so. If a nominee is not a Member or a Member’s representative, they should request membership via Executive Director Dr. Jorge Brenner, Jorge.Brenner@GCOOS.org.
- Confirm that the person/people named are willing to serve as Board member(s) if elected.
- Indicate the sector for which the person is being nominated (government, academic, industry, or education and outreach).
- Provide a short biography (two or three paragraphs) detailing their work and interests as related to GCOOS.
- Questions? Please contact GCOOS Research Associate Jennifer Vreeland-Dawson.
Notable Dates for 2024
- Nominations open March 1, 2024
- Voting will take place April 2-19, 2024