The GCOOS Spring Webinar Series presents “Southern Gulf of Mexico Marine Observations, Research and Technology: Opportunities for Gulf-Wide Synergies and Cooperation.” During this webinar series, Mexican consortia will present their activities over the past six years in conducting basic and applied research in the Gulf of Mexico, discuss ongoing research, the scientific and technological capabilities they have in place, recent synthesis publications, and ideas for future collaboration in this large marine ecosystem.
This series builds on an effort hosted by Texas A&M University (TAMU) and the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) in 2018, when representatives of CIGOM presented the objectives and activities of their work groups. It is a collaboration among GCOOS, TAMU, SUT-US, N2N-GoM — the Network-to-Network for the Gulf of Mexico — CIGOM and CEMIE-Océano. Organizers are Jorge Brenner, Executive Director, GCOOS, TAMU and IOOS, Sharon Herzka, CIGOM and CICESE and Zenon Medina-Cetina, TAMU and N2N-GoM.
GCOOS Executive Director Dr. Jorge Brenner presents the series overview
Tricia Hill President and Chair of the Society of Underwater Technology-US provides an overview of the organization
Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina provides an overview of N2N-GoM — the Network-to-Network for the Gulf of Mexico
Principal Investigator Dr. Juan Carlos Herguera provides an overview of CIGOM, the Gulf of Mexico Marine Science Research Consortium
Principal Investigator Dr. Rodolfo Silva Casarín provides an overview of CEMIE-Océano, the Mexican Center for Marine Energy Innovation
Gliders in the Southern Gulf of Mexico with Dr. Enric Pallàs-Sanz, Research Scientist with CICESE
Circulation Models with Dr. Jorge Zavala Hidalgo, Director, Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático (ICACC), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Physical-Biogeochemical Modeling of the Gulf of Mexico with Dr. Julio Sheinbaum, Researcher, CICESE
Oil spill scenarios: Methodological approximation, sample results and potential application with Dr. Paula Pérez-Brunius, CIGOM
High Frequency Radars with Dr. Xavier Flores-Vidal, University of Baja
Comprehensive Data Management System, or SMID, with Hernán Favio Medrano Jaimes, CICESE
Environmental database and SGEO (Platform for the management of oceanographic expeditions), CICESE
Geochemistry of the Gulf of Mexico with Dr. Juan Carlos Herguera, CICESE
Development of devices for marine energy harvesting with Dr. Edgar Mendoza head of the Hydraulics Department of the Engineering Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIUNAM)
Resource assessment and environmental considerations with Dr. Ismael Mariño Tapia, with Escuela Nacopnal de Estudios Superiores (ENES) Unidad Mérida, UNAM
Socio-environmental impact of marine energy harvesting with Dr. María Luisa Martínez Vázquez, Institute of Ecology (INECOL)
The Mexican Underwater Glider — Underwater Robotics with Dr. Juan Pablo Orozco Muñiz, Center for Research and Industrial, Development (CIDESI-México)